Migrate your WordPress website with ease!

You will probably find a lot of other articles on this. However, a lot of them might confuse you so I would put this in a simple way. I will keep it as simple as possible and show you how you can migrate your wordpress website to your new host or another directory.

There are two main ways to do this. They are:

  • Using a WordPress plugin
  • Manually transfer WordPress files

Using a plugin

With this method, you will need to install a plugin to take a full backup of your website. Then install the same plugin on your new host and upload the file.

There are quite a few well known plugin you can use. Such as WP Clone, Duplicator, All in One WP Migration etc. I have personally used many of them but I struggled with most as they limit the functions and you can’t use them for bigger sites as they want you to buy the premium versions. The most easiest one I found was WP Clone. This plugin works like a breeze. Although, I recommend you have a fresh installalation. Once installed, it will take a backup and provide you a link. You can copy that link and use it to copy the site on your new host. Make sure you have the same version of plugin on both installations.

Manually migrate the site.

First, take a full backup of your files under public_html and zip them up. Download and upload to your new hosting. Unzip or upload all files to your home directory inside public_html.

Copy the database of your WordPress, open PhpMyAdmin form your control panel and export the database. It will give you a .sql file. Copy that and go to your new hosting. Again, open PhpMyAdmin and IMPORT the database using that .sql file.

Finally, you will need to edit the wp-config file on your installation to change the url. Open wp-config and write the following on top of it (just under the <?php) as below. Replace “yourdomain” with your own domain name.

define( 'WP_HOME', 'http://yourdomain.com' );
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'http://yourdomain.com' );

Save this file and visit your site. Voila! It should be working flawlessley!
